Steroids Facts about Steroids::DAN 24 7

Steroids Facts about Steroids::DAN 24 7

Due to the illegality of purchasing steroids, it can often be difficult to know exactly what the substance is, leading to a whole host of health complications. Steroids obtained from a gym or dealer may be produced for use on animals, could be fake or may have been labelled incorrectly. If you take anabolic steroids, try to ensure you know exactly what you’re taking and that any drugs you’re using haven’t been tampered with.

The injection is given into a muscle (usually the buttock) every three weeks. Hi, I’m Dave Moffat the founder and Chief Editor of My passion has always been bodybuilding but with 15 years’ experience in weight loss programs too, it’s hard not to mention all that when you’re working at your fitness level fullest (I hope).


Gone are the days when juicing was reserved for the likes of Arnie and his bodybuilder mates. Over the last decade, steroids have become increasingly commonplace in the gym bags of both elite athletes and – as the needle disposal bin in your local gym worryingly attests – your average Joe. But they have also helped patients on dialysis, they have slowed weight loss in HIV-positive women, they can relieve distress in jaundice and help in cases of life-threatening anaemia.

  • However, it can cause liver damage and heart disease when not used as prescribed.
  • You can buy Deca Durabolin injections online from the UK at an affordable price.
  • One of the most popular steroids, it can cause acute and chronic liver disease and heart disease.

This is not a miracle drug and it cannot turn you into Superman or Wonder Woman overnight. It’s also important to note that you should eat a high protein diet when taking Deca Durabolin because low levels of this can cause the drug not be effective. It is often difficult to know how long you will need for Deca Durabolin pills or injections treatment, but the welcomed side effects make it worth every minute. Deca is an injectable steroid which contains the hormone Nandrolone Decanoate.


Patients with known or suspected prostatic, testicular, hepatic, or mammary
carcinoma. Patients with nephrosis or the nephrotic phase of nephritis, hypercalcaemia,
oedema, jaundice, or liver or kidney disease with impaired bilirubin excretion. Products
containing androgens should not be used in women as they may cause virilization and fetal
harm. Latent or overt cardiac failure, renal dysfunction, hypertension, epilepsy or migraine or
a history of these conditions, since anabolic steroids may induce salt and fluid retention.

Other medicines containing the same active ingredient

The anabolic effects of AAS are mediated by androgenic receptors, which are up-regulated after exposure to AAS, and their number increases with bodybuilding. Nandrolone decanoate is an alkylated anabolic steroid used to treat anemia caused by renal insufficiency as well as senile and postmenopausal osteoporosis as an additional therapy. It has a longer duration of action because it is administered every 3-4 weeks, and it has a broad therapeutic window because acute overdoses are uncommon. Patients with cardiac, renal, or hepatic disorders should be warned about the hazards of using this medication.

Side Effects of Deca Durabolin:

People often wonder how long it will take for them to see results from DecaDurabolin. The answer, generally speaking is anywhere between 4-14 weeks depending on the individual and their bodyweight. There’s no need to worry about side effects or health risks when using these supplements because they’re made from natural plant extracts.


If you’re male, you can get erection problems, grow breasts, become sterile and develop acne. If you’re female, you can get extra facial hair, a deep voice, shrinking breasts and an increased risk of menstrual problems. Dirty or shared needles and other injecting works can also help the spread of HIV and hepatitis.

Another potentially serious adverse effect of nandrolone is its ability to increase left ventricular hypertrophy and cause growth and remodelling of the heart. However, other medicines may be safely used in pregnancy or breastfeeding providing the benefits to the mother outweigh the risks to the unborn baby. Always inform your doctor if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, before using any medicine. In osteoporosis there is loss of bone tissue, resulting in bones that are brittle and liable to fracture.

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